Accent Stories

Danielle Hart (Pietic)


Class of 2007

Our story began with “love” at first bump! During our orientation day after the first meeting students cleared out of upper Convo and Meghan Tonsetic and I literally walked into each other in the aisle. Both saying sorry, we continued to walk with the group to our next session. Throughout the day we continued to see each other at various meetings and had a few conversations. By the end of the day we had exchanged emails and said let’s keep in touch. Over the summer we emailed a few times and decided to take a chance on each other and became roommates freshman year. And the rest is history… we roomed together all 4 years, and 15 years later we are still growing in our friendship. Now our husbands and children are friends too! Distance is between us, but no matter how far apart we are, we can always pick up the phone or get together and it’s just like old times.

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