Accent Stories

Jenny Homan


MBA Recruiter and Academic Advisor

One of the most memorable moments I experienced during my time in the MBA program here at Ashland happened during my first accounting class. I tend to struggle with accounting and was not doing well in the class. So, I called my professor—Vicki Kaskey—and told her what was going on. I was bawling at the time, sure that I was going to flunk the class. Vicki talked me down, identified the gaps I had in terms of classroom knowledge and helped me come up with a plan to pass the class. I actually got a B, which was surprising given how sure I was that I was going to fail. Having done my undergrad at Kent State, I was shocked to receive that level of attention from a professor. In my role as a recruiter and academic advisor for the MBA program now, I try to offer that same level of help and support to the students I interact with on a daily basis.

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